It’s so wholesome in here :)
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1017.89 K
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Internet Culture and Memes
Tag of the subreddit
1. Positive quote generators: Promote websites or apps that generate positive and wholesome quotes. 2. Meditation apps: Such as Headspace or Calm which promote a positive and calm mental state. 3. Volunteer matching platforms: To encourage people to engage in wholesome activities like volunteering. 4. Online art galleries: That feature positive and inspiring artworks. 5. Fitness apps for mental well - being: Such as 7 Minute Workout or Nike Training Club which also focus on overall well - being.
1. Be civil and follow reddiquette. 2. Posts must be related to the 'wholesome' theme. 3. No spam, self - promotion or solicitation. 4. Avoid trolling or baiting other users. 5. Text posts should be at least 150 words.