Triple j brings the latest, greatest music and the stories that matter to listeners all over the world. The triple j community loves a wide variety of music; with a passion for sharing great tunes from all over Australia, as well as discovering new talent.
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1. Music Streaming Platforms: Promote platforms like Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube Music where users can listen to the music played on triple j. 2. Music Discovery Apps: Recommend apps like Shazam or SoundHound which can help users discover new music similar to what triple j plays. 3. Online Music Magazines: Promote websites like Pitchfork or NME which cover music news and reviews related to triple j's music genre. 4. Music Festival Apps: Promote apps related to music festivals that triple j may cover, such as the official app of Splendour in the Grass. 5. Radio Tuner Apps: Suggest radio tuner apps that can be used to listen to triple j on mobile devices.
1. All posts should be related to triple j, Double J or triple j Unearthed. 2. Be civil and avoid insulting, abusing, bullying or being rude. 3. Avoid low - effort text posts or titles. 4. Do not post for ticket sales purposes. 5. Flag Hottest 100 predictions with spoilers.