This Subreddit is dedicated to the video game, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, on Nintendo Switch.
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1. Gaming News Websites: Promote websites like IGN or Gamespot which often cover news related to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. 2. Nintendo Switch Accessories: Advertise accessories for the Nintendo Switch like Pro controllers or carrying cases. 3. Game Streaming Platforms: Suggest platforms like Twitch or YouTube Gaming where players can stream their Tears of the Kingdom gameplay. 4. Zelda - themed Merchandise Stores: Promote online stores that sell Zelda - themed merchandise such as ThinkGeek or the official Nintendo store. 5. Gaming Forums: Share links to other gaming forums like GameFAQs where players can discuss Tears of the Kingdom in more detail.
1. Be civil and avoid toxicity, sexism, harassment etc. 2. Ensure content relates to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. 3. Follow spoiler guidelines and use spoiler - free titles. 4. Be original and avoid overused content trends. 5. Give credit to original creators for artwork and media.