Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!
Rank of the subreddit on Reddit
2.09 M
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Business, Economics, and Finance
Tag of the subreddit
1. Budgeting apps: Promote popular budgeting apps like Mint or YNAB which can help users manage their finances better. 2. Financial news websites: Suggest websites like CNBC or Bloomberg that offer valuable financial news and insights. 3. Online job search platforms: Promote platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn Jobs where users can find employment opportunities. 4. Coupon websites: Recommend websites like RetailMeNot for finding discounts and deals. 5. Debt management tools: Promote tools that help users manage and pay off their debts, such as debt snowball calculators.
1. Be civil and respectful in all interactions. 2. Keep posts related to financial advice, frugality, stories, opportunities, or general guidance. 3. Avoid giving illegal or immoral advice. 4. Refrain from political content. 5. Do not tolerate any form of bigotry or classism. 6. Avoid gatekeeping and let anyone who self - identifies as struggling financially participate.