Reddit's No1 subreddit for Pokemon Go, Niantic's popular mobile game!
Rank of the subreddit on Reddit
4.77 M
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Tag of the subreddit
1. Pokémon - themed wallpapers websites: Promote websites that offer high - quality Pokémon - themed wallpapers for mobile devices, especially those with Pokémon Go - related art. 2. Location - based gaming accessories websites: Share websites that sell accessories like portable chargers, phone grips, or sun shields that are useful for playing Pokémon Go outdoors. 3. Pokémon - related news platforms: Promote websites or apps that provide up - to - date news on Pokémon Go, including new Pokémon releases, events, and game updates. 4. Pokémon Go strategy guides websites: Highlight websites that offer detailed strategy guides for Pokémon Go, such as how to catch rare Pokémon or optimize gym battles. 5. Pokémon fan - made apps: Promote apps created by fans, like Pokémon Go - inspired mini - games or Pokédex - like reference apps.
1. Be civil and refrain from insulting or attacking other users, and do not post NSFW content. 2. Ensure all posts are directly related to Pokémon Go; feedback for the subreddit should be sent via modmail. 3. Do not post or advocate for cheating in accordance with Niantic's TOS. 4. Follow the marketing rules as specified for the subreddit. 5. For image submissions, use only original content with Pokémon Go assets; use megathreads when available. 6. Do not sell or trade within the subreddit, and do not share trainer codes here.