The unofficial community for anyone interested in Orangetheory Fitness. Come here to discuss the workouts, the results, and get help from your fellow OTFers. We are operated and moderated by community members, and we are not affiliated with the Orangetheory Fitness company.
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253.41 K
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Fitness and Nutrition
Tag of the subreddit
1. Fitness tracking apps: Promote apps that can track fitness progress, which can be useful for Orangetheory Fitness enthusiasts. 2. Nutrition planning platforms: Encourage the use of websites or apps that help with diet planning in relation to fitness goals. 3. Online workout communities: Promote other fitness - related communities where users can gain additional motivation and knowledge. 4. Fitness equipment review websites: As long as they are relevant to Orangetheory workouts, promote these to help users make informed decisions. 5. Stress - relief and relaxation apps: Since fitness also includes mental well - being, promote apps that can help with stress relief after workouts.
1. Be helpful, civil and engage in good faith; no toxic behavior. 2. Do not ask for workout intel; refer to monthly post and wiki. 3. Do not post screenshots. 4. Avoid giving or asking for advice on pain, medical or mental health issues. 5. Keep posts positive and constructive. 6. Do not post duplicate topics within 48 hours or on active megathreads.