/r/netsec is a community-curated aggregator of technical information security content. Our mission is to extract signal from the noise — to provide value to security practitioners, students, researchers, and hackers everywhere.
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1. Cybersecurity News Aggregators: Promote websites that aggregate the latest netsec news from various sources in a clean and organized manner. 2. Open - Source Security Tools: Highlight useful open - source security tools like intrusion detection systems or vulnerability scanners. 3. Security Training Platforms: Promote online platforms that offer netsec training courses, from beginner to advanced levels. 4. Technical Security Blogs: Encourage the promotion of well - written, technical security blogs that provide in - depth analysis. 5. Encryption Tools: Promote applications or websites that offer encryption services for data security.
1. 1. Link to the original source: Always ensure that the link you post is the original source of the information. 2. 2. Provide context in titles: Make sure your submission titles are informative and give a brief context. 3. 3. Check for duplicates: Look through the new queue to avoid posting duplicate content. 4. 4. Limit commercial advertisement: Only post commercial content if you have a pre - existing relationship with the community and a personal stake in its success. 5. 5. Keep it civil: Avoid creating unnecessary conflict and keep discussions polite.