r/Minnesota is what YOU make it! We are a neutral grounds where Minnesotans come from all four corners of our great state to discuss the latest news, share great photography...and memes, discuss politics, the outdoors, and so much more! Keep it clean, keep it Minnesotan, please.
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1. Minnesota tourism websites: Promote official Minnesota tourism websites to attract more people to the state. 2. Minnesota - based business directories: Promote local business directories to help Minnesotans find local services. 3. Minnesota news apps: Promote news apps that focus on Minnesota - related news. 4. Minnesota event listing platforms: Promote platforms that list local events in Minnesota. 5. Minnesota food delivery apps: Promote apps that offer delivery from Minnesota - based restaurants.
1. All posts must relate to Minnesota in some way. 2. Avoid personal attacks. 3. No discrimination based on various characteristics. 4. Avoid Craigslist - like posts. 5. No adult content. 6. Avoid trolling. 7. Use original titles or proper modifications for link posts. 8. Avoid unsubstantiated rumors and duplicates.