For posting screenshots of people forgetting what sub they're on or people misinterpreting the purpose of the sub they're on.
Rank of the subreddit on Reddit
806.32 K
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Tag of the subreddit
1. Screenshot - sharing apps: Promote apps like Snipaste or Lightshot which can be used to take and share screenshots easily for this subreddit. 2. Reddit - related news platforms: Websites or apps that cover Reddit news and updates can be promoted to attract more Reddit - savvy users to the subreddit. 3. Image hosting platforms: Promote platforms like Imgur which are often used to host the screenshots for this subreddit. 4. Reddit client apps: Promote different Reddit client apps for mobile or desktop, as they can make it easier for users to access and post to the subreddit. 5. Online communities for meta - discussions: Promote other meta - Reddit discussion platforms or subreddits where users can discuss and understand the concept of lostredditors better.
1. Show a lost user: All posts must show a user who is lost in a subreddit with sufficient context. 2. Provide context: Include enough details in the screenshot and post title so that it's clear the user is lost. 3. Keep it relevant: Only post relevant content related to lostredditors, not general or unrelated posts. 4. Don't pretend to be lost: Do not make false 'lost' posts on the subreddit. 5. No linking to lost redditor: Post a screenshot instead of directly linking to the lost redditor in the post.