LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way.
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Fitness and Nutrition
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1. Fitness tracking apps: Promote apps that can help users track their workouts, such as MyFitnessPal or StrongLifts 5x5 tracker. 2. Protein powder comparison websites: For those following the Leangains program who are focused on protein intake. 3. Online personal training platforms: That offer workouts and training plans in line with heavy weightlifting concepts. 4. Fitness equipment e - commerce sites: Promote sites that sell weights, benches, and other equipment needed for heavy lifting. 5. Nutrition planning apps: Such as apps that help plan high - protein, low - carb meals.
1. Be respectful and civil in all interactions. 2. Ensure posts promote discussion and are specific to Leangains with sufficient content. 3. Meet the minimum qualifications for posting rights, such as account age and no use of URL shorteners. 4. Include relevant information in questions/progress/achievement posts. 5. Do not ask for medical or injury advice.