Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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324.76 K
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Internet Culture and Memes
Tag of the subreddit
1. Meme - creating tools: Promote meme - making websites or apps like Imgflip or Canva which can be used to create memes related to IT frustration. 2. Social media platforms: Share interesting posts from the subreddit on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn with relevant IT groups or pages. 3. Reddit promotion subreddits: Use subreddits like r/promoteyoursubreddit to get more visibility for r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt. 4. IT - related blogs: Collaborate with IT - related blogs to mention the subreddit as a place for IT workers to vent. 5. YouTube channels: If there are IT - related YouTube channels, ask them to mention the subreddit in their video descriptions.
1. Abide by Wheaton's Law: Always be respectful to others in the subreddit. 2. Title effort: Put thought into your post titles, making sure they are relevant and meaningful. 3. IT - focus: Posts should be centered around IT - related frustration, not general IT support requests. 4. Screenshot quality: If including a screenshot, follow the guidelines at https://screenshot.help. 5. Relevance: Ensure your post is relevant to the theme of IT - related pain and suffering.