Welcome to r/Hardwareswap! A marketplace to Buy, Sell, and Trade your new and used computer related hardware. Also come swap and hang out with us on Discord https://discord.gg/HWSwap!
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1. Hardware benchmarking tools: Promote software like 3DMark which can help users determine the performance of their hardware and thus price it more accurately for selling or trading. 2. Computer hardware news websites: Promote sites like Tom's Hardware which keep users updated on the latest in computer hardware, relevant for those looking to buy, sell or trade. 3. Payment protection services for Paypal: Since Paypal Goods and Services is a recommended payment method, promote services that offer additional protection for Paypal transactions. 4. Timestamp generator tools: As timestamps are required for every post, promote any online tools or apps that can help generate accurate timestamps. 5. Hardware inventory management apps: Promote apps that can help users keep track of their computer hardware inventory, useful for those who frequently trade or sell.
1. Include timestamps for each item post as per the given instructions. 2. Wait 24 hours before making a new post. 3. Wait 48 hours to repost or 'bump' an existing post. 4. Always include asking prices for items if open to cash or any monetary payment. 5. Do not post software, gift cards, codes or services.