This is the definitive Reddit source for video game collectors or those who would like to start collecting interactive entertainment. It's a place to share ideas, tips, tricks or secrets as well as show off collections. Most importantly it's a place for game enthusiasts and collectors to keep video game history alive. So come and join one of the largest internet forums for video game collecting!
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1. Game price tracking websites: Promote websites that track video game prices without asking for price evaluations in the subreddit. 2. Video game news websites: Promote popular video game news websites that may have relevant content for collectors. 3. Game database platforms: Promote platforms like IGDB or MobyGames which have comprehensive game information. 4. Online game trading communities: Promote other subreddits or communities dedicated to trading games (while not allowing trading here). 5. Game preservation initiatives: Promote websites or initiatives focused on game preservation.
1. Be civil in all interactions. 2. Post price evaluation, authentication, etc. in the megathread. 3. Ask mods before self - promoting. 4. Only post memes on Meme Mondays. 5. No video submissions without mod approval. 6. Avoid affiliate links.