Welcome to the Australian version of r/financialindependence, a place created for Australians to discuss the concepts of financial independence (FI) and retiring early (RE). You can be financially independent early in life! There is no need to work until to you are 65+ in order to access Superannuation benefits and retire. Why not retire at 45? At 35? Welcome to the concept of Financial Independence.
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Business, Economics, and Finance
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1. Australian financial news websites: Promote websites like Australian Financial Review to keep members updated on financial news relevant to Australia. 2. Budgeting apps: Promote apps like Pocketbook or MoneyBrilliant that can help Australians manage their finances. 3. Investment platforms: Promote Australian - based investment platforms like CommSec or SelfWealth for those interested in growing their wealth. 4. Financial education platforms: Promote websites like Coursera or edX that offer financial courses relevant to financial independence. 5. Tax - filing software: Promote software like myTax for Australians to manage their tax filing which is related to financial management.
1. Be civil in all conversations. 2. Avoid advertising, self - promotion, solicitation or spam. 3. Ensure posts are relevant to Financial Independence in Australia. 4. Review the Side Bar and Getting Started Wiki before posting.