The place to discuss the beans, brewing, and tools used to make the style of coffee known as "espresso", and all the forms it takes.
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Food and Drink
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1. Coffee bean sourcing apps: Promote apps that help users find high - quality coffee beans for their espresso. 2. Espresso brewing timer apps: Highlight apps that assist in timing the perfect espresso shot. 3. Coffee equipment review websites: Share websites that offer in - depth reviews of espresso machines and accessories. 4. Online coffee courses: Promote platforms that offer courses on espresso making techniques. 5. Espresso recipe websites: Recommend websites with a variety of espresso - based drink recipes.
1. Be civil and respectful towards all members. 2. Only post content related to espresso made by manual or semi - automatic methods. 3. Use the correct flair and follow the posting guidelines. 4. Avoid low - effort text posts or questions by providing sufficient context. 5. Do not post screenshots of purchases or boxed equipment; instead, start a discussion.