Distressingmemes is for memes you might find distressing, disturbing, haunting, unsettling, or otherwise off-putting, without being overtly shocking or direct.
Rank of the subreddit on Reddit
310.80 K
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Internet Culture and Memes
Tag of the subreddit
1. Meme - making websites: Promote tools like Imgflip or Meme Generator to create distressing memes. 2. Online image editors: Such as Pixlr or Canva for customizing and creating memes. 3. Internet culture blogs: Mention blogs that cover off - beat and unique meme trends. 4. Reddit promotion tools: Tools that can help increase the visibility of the subreddit on Reddit. 5. Social media platforms: Promote sharing distressing memes from the subreddit on platforms like Twitter or Instagram.
1. Only post memes that are distressing and not just humorous or depressive. 2. Be civil and respectful to others in comments. 3. Minimize religious and political discussion. 4. Avoid reposting memes from this subreddit repeatedly. 5. Format memes correctly and put captions directly in the meme.