This is the Czech Republic's subreddit! A place to post and discuss anything related to our country. Come and visit us!
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1. Czech travel websites: Promote platforms that offer travel information about the Czech Republic, such as TripAdvisor's Czech Republic section. 2. Czech language learning apps: Apps like Duolingo for Czech can be promoted as they are relevant to the country. 3. Czech news websites: Promote local news platforms that cover Czech events, like iDnes.cz. 4. Czech food recipe apps: If there are apps dedicated to Czech cuisine, they can be promoted here. 5. Czech culture event platforms: Websites that list cultural events in the Czech Republic.
1. Keep it civil and refrain from starting fights or spreading disinformation. 2. Avoid hate speech in all forms. 3. Don't post spam or advertising without mod permission. 4. Do not disclose personal information unless necessary. 5. Posts should be related to the Czech Republic and not be low - effort. 6. Memes are only allowed on weekends.