The hot spot for CS on reddit.
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1. Online code editors: Promote web - based code editors that are useful for computer science experiments. 2. Research paper databases: Promote platforms where computer science research papers can be accessed. 3. Open source software repositories: Promote websites like GitHub for sharing and collaborating on computer science projects. 4. Computer science learning platforms: Promote online courses platforms dedicated to computer science academics. 5. Algorithm visualization tools: Promote apps or websites that help in visualizing computer science algorithms.
1. Posts must be related to computer science academics, research or theory. 2. Be civil in all discussions and respect other users. 3. Do not post career, major or courses advice. 4. Avoid advertising products or services directly. 5. Do not post joke submissions. 6. Do not post laptop/desktop purchase advice for personal use. 7. Do not seek tech/programming support. 8. Do not post homework, exams or project - specific questions.