Welcome to the largest community for Microsoft Windows 10, the world's most popular computer operating system! This is not a tech support subreddit, use r/WindowsHelp or r/TechSupport to get help with your PC
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1. Windows 10 optimization tools: Promote software that helps optimize Windows 10 performance, like CCleaner for Windows 10. 2. Windows 10 security apps: Apps that enhance the security of Windows 10, such as antivirus software specific to Windows 10. 3. Windows 10 backup and recovery tools: Platforms or apps that deal with backup and recovery for Windows 10. 4. Windows 10 software update trackers: Tools that can track and notify about Windows 10 updates. 5. Windows 10 compatible productivity apps: Promote apps like Microsoft Office or other productivity tools that work well on Windows 10.
1. Keep discussions related to Windows 10. 2. Flair posts correctly and don't change back if moderators correct it. 3. Don't distribute malicious programs. 4. Avoid Blogspam links, URL shorteners, mobile links, referral and affiliate links. 5. Be civil and refrain from trolling. 6. Don't advertise 3rd party software without permission. 7. Don't promote pirated content or grey market keys. 8. Titles must be relevant to the post. 9. Avoid reposts, low - effort posts or rants. 10. Memes are only allowed on Mondays and no tech support posts anytime.