A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.
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1. Art community platforms: Promote websites or apps like DeviantArt where artists showcase their work. It can be relevant as it gives an idea of different art styles and might help in identifying the painting. 2. Image hosting platforms: Promote imgur as it is directly mentioned in the subreddit rules for uploading images. 3. Translation apps: Since the subreddit mentions consulting r/translator for translations, promote translation apps like Google Translate. 4. Art history websites: Promote platforms like Khan Academy's art history section which can help users do their own research before posting. 5. Reverse image search engines: Promote Google Image Search, Yandex, and Tin - Eye which are mentioned in the rules for users to do their initial research.
1. Be civil and adhere to Reddiquette. 2. Only post one post per artwork. Extra photos should be added in the comments of the original post if needed. 3. When submitting, include photos of the entire piece, the back of the frame, and a close - up of the signature. 4. Provide as much context as possible such as the medium and how the piece came into your possession, and add more in the comments if available. 5. Link to images directly using imgur.com or other suitable sites.