**We Want Plates** crusades against serving food on bits of wood and roof tiles, chips in mugs and drinks in jam jars.
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994.90 K
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Food and Drink
Tag of the subreddit
1. Food blogs: Promote well - known food blogs where readers can find more examples of plating, both good and bad. 2. Food photography apps: Encourage the use of apps like Foodie or PlateFood to take better pictures of plated food for submission. 3. Online food communities: Promote other food - related subreddits or Facebook groups where similar discussions take place. 4. Yelp or TripAdvisor: Mention these platforms as places to find restaurants with interesting plating examples. 5. Food magazines' websites: Promote magazines like Food & Wine or Bon Appétit that often feature articles on plating.
1. Be civil and avoid personal insults or threats. 2. When posting an image, provide a direct link and give credit to the source in the title. 3. Submit only dishes served at a place of business. 4. Keep submissions focused on cringe - worthy plating examples.