Sub for the Netflix Original series: Stranger Things. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence.
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1. Netflix official app: Promote the Netflix app as it is the only legal way to watch Stranger Things. 2. Stranger Things fan wiki websites: Encourage sharing and promoting official fan wiki pages for in - depth information about the show. 3. Online Stranger Things merchandise stores: Promote official online stores selling Stranger Things - related products like clothing, toys, etc. 4. Social media groups dedicated to Stranger Things: Suggest joining and promoting large social media groups on platforms like Facebook or Reddit's own Stranger Things fan groups. 5. Online fan - made content platforms: Promote websites where fans can post their Stranger Things - inspired art, fan - fiction, or videos.
1. Title spoilers are not allowed. 2. Be friendly and respectful in all posts and comments. 3. Posts must be related to Stranger Things. 4. Avoid sharing any pirated content links. 5. No self - promotion except for official Netflix merchandise. 6. Avoid reposting recent content.