A subreddit for cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish.
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1. TV Show Streaming Platforms: Promote platforms where 'PandR' can be streamed legally. 2. Fan - made Episode Guides: Promote websites or apps that offer detailed fan - made episode guides for the show. 3. Quote - sharing Tools: Promote tools or apps that allow fans to share their favorite quotes from the show easily. 4. Character Analysis Blogs: Promote blogs that analyze the characters of 'PandR' in - depth. 5. Online Fan Communities: Promote other legitimate online fan communities related to the show.
1. Be civil and follow reddiquette. 2. Do not manipulate votes or ask for karma. 3. Avoid real - world politics in discussions. 4. Verify self - made merch before posting. 5. Report content - stealing bots.