Did you hear about the man who butt-dialed 911 while drunk driving? How about the teenagers who carjacked a car, only to fail because neither of them could drive stick? Welcome to /r/NewsOfTheStupid, a subreddit created for news stories just like these, proving that humanity is on a downward spiral
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301.66 K
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
World News
Tag of the subreddit
1. Reddit Enhancement Suite: Promote this browser extension that can enhance the Reddit browsing experience, making it easier to find and engage with stories on the subreddit. 2. Social media platforms: Use Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to share interesting stories from the subreddit with a link back to the original post, along with a catchy but non - editorializing caption. 3. News aggregator websites: Submit links to stories from this subreddit on popular news aggregator sites like Digg or Reddit itself (in relevant subreddits like r/WorldNews) to increase visibility. 4. Online forums related to world news or human behavior: Share links to the subreddit and its content on forums where people discuss such topics. 5. YouTube channels that cover strange news: Collaborate with such channels to have them feature stories from the subreddit in their videos, with a link back to the subreddit in the video description.
1. Ensure the news story clearly shows 'news of the stupid' as per Rule 1. 2. Avoid any form of culture war related content as per Rule 2. 3. Before posting, check if the story has been recently posted to avoid Rule 3 violations. 4. Use the original title of the news source without editorializing. 5. Provide a link to the original news source if possible.