The Official Subreddit for fans of The New York Football Giants
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1. Sports News Aggregators: Promote platforms that gather all the latest NY Giants news in one place. 2. Football Fantasy Apps: Highlight fantasy football apps that are useful for NY Giants fans. 3. Video Streaming Platforms for Games: Promote legal streaming platforms where fans can watch NY Giants games. 4. Sports Analytics Tools: Suggest tools that analyze NY Giants players' performance. 5. NY Giants Fan Communities on Other Platforms: Encourage participation in other online NY Giants fan groups or platforms.
1. Be civil and avoid trolling or personal attacks. 2. Check the new queue to avoid duplicate posts. 3. Do not post personal blogs, websites, or social media pages without permission. 4. Format external links correctly and acknowledge content sources. 5. Avoid low - effort posts; use daily discussion for simple questions. 6. Do not sell tickets, parking passes, or merchandise. 7. Source all news and avoid paywalls. 8. Keep content relevant to the NY Giants.