A place for history memes about events over 20 years ago.
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10.85 M
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Tag of the subreddit
1. Meme - making apps: Promote apps like Imgflip or Mematic for creating history - related memes. 2. History research websites: Promote platforms such as Britannica or History.com for gathering historical information for memes. 3. Image editing apps: Suggest promoting apps like Adobe Photoshop Express for improving meme quality. 4. Historical database apps: Apps like Ancient History Encyclopedia can be promoted for accurate historical facts for memes. 5. Meme sharing platforms: Promote Reddit Enhancement Suite for better sharing and viewing of history memes on Reddit.
1. Ensure all posts are related to history and based on historical events that are at least 20 years old. 2. Avoid reposting memes that have already been submitted. 3. Do not include any form of discrimination in posts. 4. Adhere to the banned meme and format list. 5. Do not deny genocides or atrocities in posts.