A delightfully polarizing term for women who game. This is a community space for ladies to hang out, talk about gaming, and game together. We also discuss topics around women in geek culture and debrief about experiences that occur as a result of their gender. Or you know, just post some bad ass makeup tutorials inspired by video games. We like that stuff here! Folks of all genders and identities welcome to join discussions here! FAQ -https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/wiki/index
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1. Female - friendly gaming communities: Promote other online gaming communities that are specifically designed for women or have a large female - friendly presence. 2. Gaming news websites with diverse coverage: Advertise websites that cover gaming news and also focus on promoting diversity in the gaming industry, including highlighting female developers and gamers. 3. Gaming streaming platforms with female streamers: Recommend streaming platforms where female gamers are prominently featured or have a strong community. 4. Online gaming stores with diverse game selection: Promote digital game stores that offer a wide range of games, including those developed by diverse teams or with female - centric themes. 5. Gaming chat apps for female gamers: Highlight apps that provide a safe and inclusive chat environment for female gamers to communicate with each other while gaming.
1. Be civil, follow Reddiquette, and do not post discriminatory content. 2. Men should not post recruiting or targeting women, nor lead discussions or ask questions directly. 3. Posts belonging to weekly megathreads should be posted there only. 4. Mark potentially triggering content (violent/sexual) with appropriate warnings. 5. Battlestation posts are only allowed on Saturdays and Sundays (GMT/UTC+0).