**Focus** - Articles of evidence and discussions on ghosts and the paranormal. 🚨- **IMPORTANT** - 🚨 Posting fake or frivolous photos/videos *will* result in a ban. **SELF-PROMOTION IS PROHIBITED** **NO ORBS** Be civil! Moderators reserve the right to moderate posts and comments based on their suitability for this sub. Language: English.
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790.67 K
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Internet Culture and Memes
Tag of the subreddit
1. Paranormal research websites: Promote platforms dedicated to serious paranormal research, like The Paranormal Database. 2. Ghost hunting equipment websites: Recommend sites that sell or review ghost hunting tools like EMF meters. 3. Online forums for the paranormal: Highlight forums where people can discuss ghost experiences and evidence. 4. Video - sharing platforms for original content: Promote YouTube channels that feature original ghost - related videos. 5. EVP analysis software websites: If applicable, promote software that helps analyze Electronic Voice Phenomena.
1. For images and videos, ensure they are original content. 2. Avoid posting stories, blogs, vlogs, etc. for self - promotion. 3. Be civil and avoid hate posting or trolling. 4. Do not post fake or frivolous content. 5. Give context when posting photos or videos.