/r/EverythingScience is the sister subreddit to /r/science. With a broader rule set than /r/science, it is the place for high quality scientific content that doesn't necessarily reference a peer-reviewed paper from the last 6 months.
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1. Science news aggregators: Promote websites that collect and curate the latest science news. 2. Scientific research databases: Promote platforms that provide access to a wide range of scientific research papers. 3. Online science courses: Promote educational platforms offering science - related courses. 4. Science - based fact - checking websites: Promote websites that help verify scientific claims. 5. Science - focused mobile apps: Promote apps that provide scientific information, such as astronomy apps or biology study aids.
1. Be civil and avoid offensive language. 2. Maintain scientific integrity in comments and submissions. 3. Submit content published in the past 6 months or with new developments if older. 4. Avoid link dumping and limit self - promotion. 5. Ensure titles are accurate and not misleading.