Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit
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423.69 K
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1. Gaming news websites: Promote websites that cover the latest news about Ark Survival Evolved/Ascended. 2. Gaming streaming platforms: Highlight platforms where Ark can be streamed to attract more players. 3. Gaming community forums: Promote other relevant gaming forums where Ark players can interact. 4. Gaming merchandise stores: Promote stores that sell Ark - related merchandise. 5. Gaming video editors: Since content creators might need video editors for their Ark content, promote relevant video editing software.
1. All posts must be related to Ark Survival Evolved/Ascended. 2. Avoid posts on Religion or Politics. 3. No real - world economic activity, except for in - game material trades. 4. No Witch Hunting. 5. Avoid hate messages such as homophobia, racism etc. 6. Content creators must be active in the sub other than their own posts (4x - 5x more comments) and mark posts with correct flair.