Need an item? Looking to make some bells? You've come to the right place!
Rank of the subreddit on Reddit
268.27 K
Number of subscribers to the subreddit on Reddit
Tag of the subreddit
1. Gaming Forums: Promote the subreddit on popular gaming forums like GameFAQs. 2. Animal Crossing Fan Sites: Collaborate with Animal Crossing fan sites to increase awareness. 3. Reddit Gaming Communities: Share posts from r/ACTrade in other relevant Reddit gaming communities. 4. YouTube Gaming Channels: Partner with YouTube gaming channels that cover Animal Crossing to promote the subreddit. 5. Twitch Streams: Have Twitch streamers playing Animal Crossing mention the subreddit.
1. Avoid general poor behavior in the game or on the subreddit. 2. Only have one open/active trade at a time. 3. No begging or emotional manipulation. 4. Posts should be relevant to trading in the game. 5. Do not hijack other people's threads.